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An Ethic Journey

This is the story of how Bird’s first E-Bike was developed.

It all started in 2019; like many things at Bird, this story is customer driven. We had been getting enquiries about E-bikes for a couple of years, but in 2019 we were being asked more and more, both by email and face to face by existing customers who dropped in to visit us.

This resulted in several internal discussions at Bird. It seemed that E-bikes were gaining popularity; the project had an air of inevitability about it, but what sort of E-bike should we build? At Bird we like to look forwards and jump ahead if possible, so that after a bike is developed and launched (about a year pre-covid) it is still ahead of the curve. We had 2 thoughts on the possible direction of the project:

  1. Build a “Lite” E-bike that used a lower power, lighter motor with smaller battery for a bit of assistance when you wanted it, but otherwise didn’t feel too different to a regular, “acoustic” MTB.
  2. Build a “full phat” E-bike with a large capacity battery and powerful motor that would provide the most amount of assisted riding time possible, recognising that you’d always need the motor on to counteract the extra weight of the system.

For those who don’t know me (Dan), when riding my motto is “smiles over miles”. I’ve never been about racking up lots of distance, but I LOVE riding downhill. Specifically steep, technical, natural trails, mixed with faster flow sections. I can jump reasonable size gaps, but I’m not a big sender by any stretch of the imagination. I’ll often find a feature on a trail and session it a few times until it feels “right” and I’ve explored all the line choices that I can see. When it comes to riding back up, this is a means to an end for me – I’ll slowly winch back up with my riding buddies and take the opportunity to have a chat on the way.

At this point, it should be obvious that “option 2” was what I wanted to build from the start, but I was still curious about the possibilities of both types of E-bikes, so I started my research on what was out there that we could use. I reached out to Bosch, who politely informed me that they were not taking on any new customers due to the growth in their E-bike products (I asked them again a year later and was met with the same reply). Ok, no Bosch motors then. We already had a Shimano OE account which gave me access to the technical data for the E8000 motor and parts, so I did some early concept models to investigate how to integrate the E8000 motor and battery into the frame.

For our “lite” concept I reached out to Fazua, who produce an interesting E-bike drive system that consists of a removable motor and battery that connects into a special bottom bracket housing. The Fazua system is capable of running both with and without the motor and battery, and the frame weight without the E-bike parts installed isn’t much more than a regular bike. The motor and battery are much smaller and lighter than a typical E-bike system too, so the overall system weight is lower.

Concept Evaluation

Once I had 3D models from Shimano and Fazua, I built some models of how each system might look in one of our frames.

A concept model of the Aeris 145 with Fazua drive system

You’ll see from the image above that the Fazua system forces you to have a battery that is inline with the bottom bracket. This is due to the unique interface between the motor and BB housing that lets the motor and battery be removed while leaving the BB housing and cranks behind, so the bike can be ridden without the motor and battery.

The crucial BB and main pivot area of the frame

One of the most important areas to consider when designing a full suspension frame is the BB and main pivot region. Here you typically have the rear tyre, main pivot and chainring all competing for space. Adding a motor further complicates matters due to the increased size compared to an unassisted bottom bracket shell. As you can see in the image above, adding the Fazua motor leaves adequate tyre clearance, which means that the chainstay length also does not have to grow to fit the motor into the frame (more on that later). There was a clash with the main pivot however, as there was with the chainstay yoke, but both of these could be designed around if needed.

Next, onto the Shimano system. Here you can see that the motor and battery are both bigger than the Fazua system, and the motor mount also causes more clearance problems due to the increased size. The internal battery has more flexibility in how it is positioned, and ultimately offers more space inside the front triangle for both the shock and a water bottle.

Aeris 145 concept layout with Shimano E8000 motor and 8035 504wh battery

Larger motors mean less space for tyres and pivot points

After looking at the Shimano system for some time I came to the conclusion that the main pivot definitely needs repositioning now, and the tyre clearance also needs improving.

When comparing the two systems against each other I realised that whichever system we decided to run that there would be some important design choices to make to optimise the performance and geometry. At first the Fazua system looked like the easiest way to achieve an E-bike that was as close as possible to our existing range of bikes in terms of geometry, but we’d have to sacrifice the ability to carry a water bottle, and I had my doubts on whether the smaller frames would work with a piggyback shock at all due to the battery position. The Shimano system was compatible with a piggyback shock and water bottle, but would force me to move the main pivot and possibly lengthen the chainstays to improve the tyre clearance.


With almost perfect timing for the development of our E-bike, Shimano released the design package for the new EP800 motor and larger capacity 8036 battery with 630wh of capacity. The EP8 was lighter and offered improved performance compared to the E8000 that I had tested, and we agreed that our first E-bike should launch with this new motor. During 2019 we had also seen sales of 29″ wheeled frames overtake those of 27.5″ frames, so it made sense to develop our E-bike frame based on 29″ wheels too. I started putting together the 3D model of what would eventually become the Ethic.

You’ll hear geometry talked about a lot in the mountain bike world. In my view, frame geometry is the single most important factor to consider when designing a bike. A bike with good geometry can always have average to good parts bolted on and it will ride well. A bike with bad geometry will always be terrible, even with the best components in the world fitted to it. The same applies to rear suspension design to a degree; A bike with great geometry and average rear suspension can still be a good bike to ride. A bike with poor geometry but excellent rear suspension will not ride well, ever. There is no compensation available for poor frame geometry, which is why it is the most important factor in mountain bike design.

One of the most important factors in how a bike feels to ride is the chainstay length (not to be confused with rear centre, which is related but not exactly the same, unless your chainstay is perfectly horizontal) – this is the distance between the bottom bracket axle and the rear axle. Generally, a bike with short chainstays feels easier to corner and is more playful. Bikes with longer chainstays can feel more stable but also can feel less manoeuvrable. As a designer I’ll always try to keep the chainstay as short as possible for a given wheel size so that the bike feels nimble and rewarding to throw into tight corners.

After doing a lot of research into E-bikes offered by other brands, I noticed that the chainstays were typically a lot longer (460mm or longer!) than brands offered on their non-electric bikes. I observed that a few brands used a smaller rear wheel with a 29″ front in order to keep their chainstay lengths under control. This didn’t seem like a design choice, but more of a factor that was forced on the designer due to the choice of wheel size and the motor housing. I knew that I didn’t want to go down this path. There must be another solution available.

Looking at the initial 29″ EP8 frame layout on my computer monitors, I knew that the main pivot near the motor had to move. The question was where? In order to provide appropriate levels of anti-squat in the rear suspension, I could only move the pivot backwards, towards the rear tyre. I couldn’t move the pivot forwards to the presence of the motor. Moving the pivot backwards meant having a very small (and pointless) chainstay yoke that wouldn’t provide much in the way of rear triangle stiffness, unless I moved the rear tyre backwards as well, which would increase the chainstay length (see above).

I really didn’t want to end up with a chainstay that was substantially longer than our “acoustic” bikes. I wouldn’t choose to make the chainstay 460mm on any other bike, so why should I do it here? Then I saw the solution. The whole main pivot and chainstay yoke needed to move upwards, well out of the way of the motor housing. This would give me the clearance to run the rear tyre as close as possible to the motor housing (while still leaving room for mud), as well as running a “proper” chainstay yoke to keep the stiffness high. The elevated main pivot (I consider this to be a mid pivot rather than a high pivot layout) needs an idler wheel to run the chain over in order to generate sensible levels of anti-squat.

Ethic uses a mid pivot rear suspension layout with idler wheel, shown here with the 27.5 x 2.8 tyre in red and the 29 x 2.5″ tyre in blue

The benefits of a mid pivot idler suspension system actually go much further than having a full-size E-bike motor with a sensible chainstay length. The main pivot location generates more frame anti-squat, so needs less force from the chain to prevent squat under acceleration. This results in less pedal kickback during suspension compression compared to a non-idler design. The overall axle path is also more rearward which reduces the shortening of the wheelbase during suspension compression (the fork is angled rearward on all bikes, so the wheelbase shortens during high compressions such as landings and g-outs). The other benefit is that the anti-squat can be adjusted simply by changing the number of teeth on the idler wheel. A larger idler wheel reduces the anti-squat, while a smaller one increases it. This is due to the chain line moving relative to the virtual pivot. As a designer it is rare to have this freedom – usually when you adjust the anti squat values of the frame, you then have to adjust something else to achieve the same rear wheel travel or shock rising rate. With an idler wheel you can adjust the anti squat completely independently of the rear wheel path or shock rate.

Ethic can run a 29″x2.5″ or 27.5″x2.8″ rear wheel via flip chips in the chainstays. Chainstay length is 440mm in mullet setup or 448mm in full 29″

I initially designed the Ethic around a 27.5″ x 2.8″ rear wheel, which when combined with the mid pivot layout, results in a 440mm chainstay in the mullet setup, which matches the current Bird AM9 chainstay length (I could have hit a 435mm chainstay if I limited the rear tyre to 27.5″ x 2.6″). Both me and Ben prefer riding full 29″ bikes these days, so we also wanted to have the ability to run a full 29″ setup as well. I worked out that by using flip chips in the chainstays, this was achievable with a resulting chainstay length of 448mm in the full 29″ setup. On paper the bottom bracket height will remain the same in both settings, but in the real world the 2.8″ tyre will most likely be run at lower tyre pressures which will lower the BB slightly compared to the 29″ back wheel. Over the last few months I’ve been riding both mullet and 29″ wheels; I’m still not sure which I prefer.

Ethic Frame render

Prototype testing

Once the prototype designs were finished and handed over to the factory in Taiwan (December 2020), It was a race to see whether the frames or E-bike parts from Shimano arrived first. As the frame delivery date approached in August 2021, I was informed by our Shimano rep that the 2 most crucial parts (motor and battery) wouldn’t be here until December 2021 (I had ordered these in October 2020, before I had finished the detail drawings and sent them to the factory). I quickly sourced a pair of 8035L batteries which are the same size as the 8036, but with lower capacity (504 vs 630wh), and begged our Shimano rep to find me a pair of motors. Amazingly he came through and the motors arrived mere days before the frames. Thank you Francis!

I felt like Christmas had come early when these parts arrived

Building the prototypes was a new experience involving parts I had never before associated with mountain bikes – wires, displays, switches, battery mounts, charging parts and a lovely EP8 motor. The 3D printers in the office were running 24/7 to produce all the plastic parts on the frame (chain guides, skid plate and battery armour). Then I had to plug it into my laptop and program it. Special thanks go to Richard from Shimano tech support for helping me out late on Friday afternoons (I always seem to have issues on a Friday) so that I could configure the bike for the first test ride. Finally it was all together and powered up. I was visiting my parents in Cheshire so a quick test on the road would have to do before venturing off road. I climbed aboard and was away!

The first ride lasted an almighty 30 seconds before the idler axle failed, sending parts of the axle, idler wheel and chain guide bouncing down the road with a very sad Dan left wondering what had happened. It turns out that I had miscalculated the forces on the idler axle (always double check your numbers, folks) and it really wasn’t a surprise that it had failed as soon as it had. More friends to the rescue – this time it was Clark from Bennachie Bike Bothy who knew someone who specialised in machining ultra high strength steels to replace the failed part. At the same time I developed 2 new versions of the axle – one that would work on the prototype frames but without needing ultra high strength steels (these axles are still in use today) as well as an even stronger version for the production frames.

A week later, I had the replacement axles fitted and was ready to ride. Multiple car park tests had shown this axle was good to take off road, so we headed to one of my favourite riding spots in the Surrey hills for the first proper riding session on the bike. As soon as I got onto a proper mountain bike trail I started to get a feel for the bike. It felt planted, very planted. The back end was suspiciously quiet and smooth, and I was easily keeping my much faster riding buddy in sight on the downhills. Then disaster struck (not with the bike this time). On our 2nd run the pair of us riding up front pulled over to let our other buddies catch up with us. A few minutes passed, then a few more. Something wasn’t right. A few minutes later he arrived with what only could be described as a smashed-up face. He was clearly concussed and was talking nonsense, repeating the same 3 questions over and over. I drove us home in his van while he continued to repeat himself, and later his wife came to take him to A&E for a checkup. Still, a successful test for the bike, if a short one. Looking after your mates comes first.

Probably overkill for a pub bike

Over the next few months, I rode the Ethic a lot, a lot more than I would usually ride. Coed y Brenin, Dyfi, Bikepark Wales, a trip to Jedi aka Tony Doyle, as well as our more regular riding round the Surrey Hills and Berkshire area. For me the E-bike is a great enabler to get out and ride more and really brings the fun back into riding. Not to say that riding normal bikes isn’t fun either, but I’m definitely more willing to get out and ride the Ethic than any other bike available to me.

Ethic rides Surfin’ Bird

Social Q&A

What does it weigh?

As built it’s around the 25kg mark with pedals. That’s with Zebs and Rimpact Pro tyre inserts. I’d expect production builds to come out somewhere between 24kg and 26kg depending on the parts fitted.

How does it ride?

Exactly as intended. It’s always nice when a bike feels how I wanted to on the trails. It’s a bike made for fast and steep downhill trails, and it does those very well indeed. The rear suspension feels exceptionally smooth, which I think is a combination of the main pivot location and the weight of the front triangle. What surprised me was how good the bike was at everything else – it makes flatish XC trails great fun due to the speed you can enter and exit corners, and it positively encourages you to try technical climbs that you just wouldn’t dare to try on a regular bike. I’ll regularly get to the top of a climb out of breath due to how the bike encourages you to pedal harder. I’m pleased to say that the reasonably sized (short for an Ebike, normal for a regular bike) chainstay length makes the bike feel eager to change direction. Ebikes are fun, and this one suits my riding style nicely.

Can they be run as 27.5 front and rear?

It’s designed around either mullet or full 29″. Technically you probably could run a 27.5″ front wheel, so long as it had a 200mm fork as well (*disclaimer* I haven’t actually worked it out but it’s probably not far off)

Is there a price point yet?

Right now it’s impossible to give an accurate idea on pricing due to the volatility in component supply and prices. Due to our direct sale model you can be assured that the Ethic will be great value compared to the competition, as well as having our customisation and backed up by our award-winning customer service.

Will you be doing a pre-order option?

Yes, as soon as we are confident in all the delivery dates we’ll open up pre-orders. 

How durable is the Idler wheel and bearing?

The idler wheel and axle has gone through multiple design changes during testing. The final design uses a stainless steel jockey wheel, mounted to a thick stainless steel axle that runs on needle roller bearings on the drive side and a deep groove bearing on the non drive side. The bearings run in a oil bath that gets refreshed during the yearly service. There’s also a lip seal on the drive side to keep the dirt out and the oil in. All the seals and bearings are off the shelf items that can be easily sourced and replaced when needed. We’ll be keeping stock of the jockey wheels for service replacement; the jockey wheel will need replacing when you replace your cassette and chain.

Do you really need the lower chain guide?

Yes, the lower guide serves 3 functions:

  1. It makes sure the chain is nicely wrapped around the chainring.
  2. It keeps the chain on the chainring when riding over rough terrain and also prevents the chain from falling off if the rear wheel rotates backwards for any reason.
  3. It brings the lower chainline up as high as possible, which reduces the chain growth on the underside of the chainstay. While this doesn’t affect the pedalling character or suspension performance, it does mean that your rear derailleur cage doesn’t have to move as much during suspension compression, so should result in lower wear on your rear mech.

Why is it called Ethic?

One question I see a lot whenever we post on social media is “Why didn’t you call it the Bird-E?”

There are two answers to this question:

  1. Bird-E is a terrible name for a bike and we wouldn’t have called it this even if answer 2 didn’t exist
  2. There is a trademark issue with “Birdy” and we can’t sell E-bikes with Bird branding. It’s that simple. We did approach the trademark owner, but they were not interested in even entering into discussions with us to use the Bird brand on our E-bikes, so we can’t.

But why Ethic? Because I liked it. Coming up with names is difficult because it’s subjective, and many popular names are either trademarked already or the web domain is taken. When I came up with Ethic, both the web domain was available and it wasn’t trademarked, so I quickly registered both while having dinner one evening and that was that. Contrary to several comments on Singletrackworld, the word Ethic (as in work ethic, design ethic, ride ethic) does not mean the same as the word Ethical, or attempt to imply that the brand is “Ethical”, although of course we always strive to be an ethical company wherever we can.

Welsh mud makes for excellent camouflage

Current status

I recently finished the production design package and submitted it to our fabricator in Taiwan, with the instruction to deliver the frames just before the Shimano parts arrive with us. Until last week (late November 2021) the Shimano drivetrains (I ordered 100 EP8 drivetrains back in April 2021, before I had even seen the prototype frames) were scheduled for mid-2022, and the frames were aiming to be here around the same time. Covid has impacted the Shimano drives significantly, and the current best estimate from Shimano is “sometime in 2023”.

Unfortunately, that’s the best information I have right now. We have frames on order, we have E-bike parts on order. We’ll be launching the bike as soon as possible. I think we’re all looking forward to some post Covid normality with bikes and bikes parts on more sensible lead times than we have at present. Let’s raise a glass to 2024.

Dan Hodge MEng CEng

Me, very much enjoying the Ethic
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First Look – RockShox 35 Forks

The new RockShox 35 Forks quietly launched this week without much fanfare, so we’re here to tell you what you need to know! The 35 is a new budget fork added to the bottom of the RockShox 35mm chassis* Fork range. Including OE forks the range now lines up from top to bottom:
  • Lyrik RC2
  • Lyrik RCT3/Pike RCT3
  • Lyrik RC/Pike RC
  • Yari RC Charger/Revelation RC Charger
  • Yari RC/Revelation RC
  • 35
*A 35mm chassis indicates the the stanchions, the part of the fork that slides in and out of the lowers is 35mm external diameter.

The 35 fork utilises broadly the same chassis and DebonAir air spring as the Revelation and Pike models of the last few years, with a Motion Control damper available in crown or remote configurations. Offsets are offered in 37 (27.5), 44 (27.5 & 29) and 51mm (29), we’re bringing in the 37 in 27.5” and 44 in the 29” flavour.
Like its more expensive siblings the 35 also runs the 180mm rotor mount for direct mounting rotors, and like its more expensive counter parts is rated to 220mm for max rotor size (more on that later in the year).
The biggest information you need to know on these though is the price! The new 35 is a genuine budget option for all mountain terrain. With the new 35 options it’s reduced the starting price for all our full suspension bikes to under £2000 again, something we’ve not seen for a while.
If you want to get our incredible build standards, our award winning customer service, our exceptional ride quality and even better value than ever, the 35 delivers that for you.

Specification Summary (For Bird Bikes)

  • Motion Control damper
  • DebonAir Air Spring
  • 37 & 44mm offsets
  • 130mm & 150mm in 29 (2272g)
  • 140mm & 160mm in 27.5 (2259g)
  • Fast Black uppers
  • Maxle Stealth
  • Diffusion Black lowers & crown
  • Available May 2019, pre-order today.


RockShox, DebonAir and Motion Control are trademarks of SRAM Corporation. All images Copyright of SRAM.
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Bikeradar reviews the Aeris AM9, 4.5/5, shortlists it as a key bike of 2018

Bikeradar awards a 4.5/5 score to the Aeris AM9 – read the full review here

“A sublime riding, pocket friendly trail and enduro slayer”

Longer travel 29ers really suit the rugged, rocky terrain around Peille, France

“It’s stable and fast, while still being nippy and agile. It complements and, really, flatters my riding style and technique. While it was in my garage it was without doubt my go-to bike and it’s not an empty garage either.”

“I’d honestly say that were I to go out tomorrow with my own credit card, the AM9 would be right towards the top of my shopping list, especially considering that I could get the whole bike for the same price as the frame of the other bike I so wish to own (the new Transition Scout Carbon…).”

A classic four-bar linkage

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Ella Conolly wins the U21 category of the Enduro World Series riding her Bird Aeris 145!

Ella Conolly joined the Bird Cycleworks race team after she won her category at ‘Ard Rock enduro riding a Bird Aeris 140.  She then posted the fastest overall female time at the Tweedlove enduro race aboard her brand new Aeris 145.  Here’s her story from her first Enduro World Series (EWS) race in Finale Ligure.

Three months ago I was on the start line of my last XC World Cup. Having decided that cross country wasn’t where I wanted to be, I made a late season switch to enduro with the help of Tracy Moseley. After a few weeks of racing in the UK I was then given the opportunity to enter the final round of the 2017 Enduro World Series in Finale Ligure. Who could say no?! My goal for this trip was to keep it fun. Enjoy riding my bike, not put too much pressure on myself and to decide if enduro was something I’d like to peruse in 2018. The last thing I expected was to be coming home having won.

Me and my Bird Aeris 145 at the top of the ‘Nato Base’ in the days leading up to the EWS


A week before practice was due to start I packed up my Bird Aeris 145 into a bike bag (with lots of padding to keep her safe during the flight) and started the journey. After a long drive, a taxi, a flight, a bus and two trains along with a lot of lugging bags around I arrived in Finale. This gave me a few days to get used to the loose, rocky, dusty trails (a huge contrast to the Scottish mud) and to fuel up on plenty of coffee, pizza and gelato. Once I was out there I met up with a couple of other British girls who have been racing enduro for a few years now; they gave me endless advice the whole trip and were so patient with my constant questions.


The race consisted of seven stages split over two days. Stages 1-3 were ridden the first day and stages 4-7 the second day. These included of some of the best trails I’ve ever ridden and often I found myself grinning ear to ear whilst still trying to concentrate on the stage. During the two days of practice, uplift is permitted on tarmac sections of transitions to help get to stages. On race day the 50 or so kilometres had to be ridden without uplift which, in the hot Italian sun, felt like a pretty epic day out on the bike with some of the transitions taking almost 2 hours. Luckily the Bird Aeris pedals just as well as it descends which made the long distances way more enjoyable. There was then the added pressure of having start times for each stage. This wasn’t something I’ve had to consider before and I completely misjudged the pace I needed to ride the transitions, going at more of an XC race pace rather than conserving my energy for the stage, which I’ve now discovered takes a toll after that distance!

Race day 1

Stage 1 was from the highest peak in the area and descended almost all of the way back to sea level. At 8.5km it was by far the longest stage I have ever raced and I found it really physically demanding. Over this distance there was real mixture of trail; tight corners, rocky river beds and some proper fast sections interspersed with the occasional uphill sprint. In practice we stopped regularly to look at especially technical sections as well as giving our bodies a rest. But come race day there was no stopping. By the time I was a couple of kilometres into the stage my body was really starting to complain. Hands, feet, legs and arms were all screaming and my primary concern became staying on the bike. After a couple of silly crashes up the top I settled into a bit of a rhythm and before I knew it I’d completed my first Enduro World Series stage.


Getting to the top of stage 2 meant a long pedal. With every corner turned we were presented with another long stretch of uphill fire road. Thankfully the rest of the stages were considerably shorter than the first, all coming in at under 3km. Stage 2 consisted of a lot more rocks and had the most vertical drop per kilometre. Oh my I’ve never had such bad arm pump in my life! I was so relived to get to the bottom without stalling on any rocks.


Stage 3 was the final stage of the first day and ended almost back in finale. The top section was fast and flowy but this quickly turned into some seriously tight, dusty corners on a steep hill that got more and more washed out with every rider. Towards the bottom there was one awkward set of steps to navigate down before the final few loose, rocky flat corners.


We then had a short pedal along the road into finale where we were given our times for the day. Much to my surprise I was sitting in second only trailing by 9 seconds. Going into the second day of racing it was all still to play for.


Some of the U21 girls enjoying a well deserved ice-cream after day one of racing. The grin on my face in this photo was a characteristic that stuck the whole trip. What a fantastic group to ride with!

Race day 2

Waking up on Sunday my body was tired from the two days of practice and one race day we had already completed but I couldn’t wait to get out and try and claw back those precious seconds.

To get to the top of every stage on Sunday there was an alpine style climb up the road. Without fail, every transition that day had beautiful views of either mountains or sea as we snaked our way up into the mountains which distracted from the constant uphill gradient. Stage 4 picked up where the previous day had left off; more rocks! This time we were faced with some more rocky sections of trail, littered with boulders and mixed in with some smooth single track.


Stage 5 was probably my favourite stage of the event. It was fast and really required me to push my comfort zone in terms of how much I was prepared to let the brakes off. Every now and again the gradient of the trail changed sharply and we found ourselves sprinting up a hill. At the end of the stage there was an awkward corner that caused me a few problems as my bar clipped a tree and proceeded to tip me over the bars.


The penultimate stage of the race was something I’d have expected to find in an XC race. Stage 6 started off on a downhill gradient with a few rocky sections but quickly flattened out and turned into a full on pedal. I used the frequent uphills to my advantage, making full use of my fitness from the years of XC training, putting a fair amount of time into the other girls. At the end of the stage there was no time to recover- it was straight back on the bike to pedal up to the final stage of the day.


At the top of stage 7 there was a mix of different emotions. Some were obviously very relived to only have one stage standing between them and a relax on the beach. But I didn’t want the day to end!

The top of the final stage started with some corners on a fairly gentle gradient which required one final sprint before opening up into the last technical section of the day. Here we were rewarded with an amazing view of the glistening gulf of Genoa. The crowds lining the final part were insane which certainly carried me down the steep track better than I thought I’d ever ride it. If you’ve ever seen photos from the EWS in Finale I can guarantee one would have been of this ‘iconic’ view of the last section of DH men with the sea in the background.


Having reached the bottom of the final stage I honestly had no idea if that days efforts had been enough to secure my second place or move up into first. The ride along the coast to find out was nerve racking. But, knowing I’d enjoyed every second of riding over the past few days, I had already achieved my primary goal. The sense of achievement in just completing an event like that is massive.

Riding through mountains felt like a proper adventure which I absolutely loved.

On handing in our timing chips I couldn’t quite believe it. My name was on the timing screen in first place.



Later that evening me and my Bird stood proudly on the podium. This bike took everything the EWS threw at it and I had 100% confidence in it all weekend.

I think it’s safe to say my first ever Enduro World Series was a success! I’m still absolutely buzzing and cannot wait to do more. Plans for the 2018 season are already in process…


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Why our customers choose a Bird bike …

John – Aeris 145: 1st ride out yesterday and I was blown away by the 145. Compared to my Santa Cruz Bronson it was soo stable and confidence inspiring. I was getting PR’s without even trying.
Tim – Aeris 120: Just wanted to let you know that I am absolutely loving my new Bird Aeris 120. Clocked up some miles on it now and I simply can’t fault it. It’s so bloody fast, stable and sorted, it’s amazing!!
I tried a lot of demo bikes before this (inc Whyte, Orange, Specialized) but this just stood out as the best for me.

Daniel – Zero AM: After riding my favorites trails with my new Bird Zero AM Eagle Bike, i’m so happy about my new Dream Machine.
I was a little bit nervous before my first ride, because I just bought this bike without having a testride on it.
After a few km’s on my firts trail, i was so glad I got this Bird. Never felt better before an a bike. It just feels right.

– Climbs like a ‘Steinbock’
– Rock solid on the way down
– Fun to ride on any single trail

Alex – Zero TR: Had my TR now for a month or so. I tested a fair few bikes beforehand (including Whyte hardtails).
I can say this is by far the best hike I tried. It literally eats up the miles and can handle the technical stuff really well too.
It was a very tough decision between the AM and TR. In the end using the bike for commuting swung it for me. Do try both bikes if you get the opportunity though, and talk to the guys at Bird as well. They designed the bikes so there are no better experts!
Great post sales support as well, thanks guys!

Remco – Aeris 145: Really as I would run my own company. Really helpful with answering questions and letting me change my specs during the Aeris 145 pre order (actually changed it a lot and they coped with it). Overall great communication from each of the guys. Would advise everyone to buy a Bird bike. A small point of feedback is that they added option during the pre order fase. Had to find out through the website instead of being offered a change. But in the end I have the best bike I could find. The Aeris 145 is great quality. Having ridden it a couple of months now and using it during Enduro and down hill tracks in Italy and Austria. My old Canyon Spectral stays in the shed and is looking for a new owner now.

Ben – Zero AM: By far the best customer service I’ve ever received! I was an annoying customer right from the start and yet they took every question with a smile, the guys running Bird will go out of their way to make sure you get the bike for you! Plus their bikes really are the dogs danglies. I’m faster on my Zero AM than I was on my full sus enduro bike and I’ve only just got it!

Nick – Aeris 145: Epic first ride on my new Aeris 145 56km, 1650 ascent, some riding, some hiking, wet feet but smiles all around ?. The bike is absolutely in another league from my old Lapierre, riding rocky descents blind off the brakes just full of confidence and yet being able to scale the climbs with ease aswell. I am in awe.

Jonny – Aeris: Today is the birthday of my Bird. I ride 9 miles to work through woodland and fields and 9 miles back at least three times a week, usually more than three days. Through thick wet mud, snow and dust… I’ve built jumps and hit trees, that’s just over 2,800 miles. Then as many evenings as I can, and every weekend I smash my bird down as many gnarly trails as I can, jumping, hucking, dropping and crashing. I’ve no idea how many extra miles this is, but my weekend rides are around 4 hours each…
That is thousands and thousands of miles in one year and the only thing I’ve had to change is a headset bearing.
As an ex pro surfer I’m used to just grabbing a board from the van and going surfing… there was no set up bullshit. I’m not one of those guys who set up, tweak, and fettle bikes. I only changed my bars because I crashed on Dartmoor and the Aeris dropped about 15 feet onto granite and it bent my bars… I just want to get my bike and go… get back and ride fast.

No other bike has withstood my shitty ownership. YT Capra’s, Specialized Stumpy’s and Lapierre Zesty’s have all died. As I’ve got faster and faster, I’ve abused my Aeris more than any other bike. But what a bike. I adore it, it is my pain killer, my enabler to my addiction, my smile vendor.

Thank you Bird Cycleworks for such an incredible bike, it has genuinely made my year. It has allowed me to go further, harder, faster and longer than ever before. I absolutely adore my bike.

Justin – Zero AM: Currently recovering from a day at bike park Wales on the Zero AM XL.
This thing just gobbles up the rocks and drops.. I did every thing that’s not “black” no problems no falls and almost kept up with my mate and his YT Capra.. Although to be honest he would be faster than me on unicycle.
I’ve moved from a full sus Canyon to a hardtail Bird, I’m faster, I’m having more fun and I think I’m improving my skills..!
Bring on the Aeris!

Alfie – Aeris: I took an aeris out for a demo last week to swinley and loved it. Picked up my new one yesterday and took it for a “proper” test at tidworth freeride today. To be honest I was originally unsure about my decision to sell my Giant Glory and buy the Bird Aeris but I was so wrong! This bike is a weapon I’ve been grinning like a Cheshire Cat all morning and I think I’m already going faster than before! Thanks so much for the amazing bike and the outstanding service.

Nick – Aeris: These guys are amazing, I finally got the sign off for a new bike and the Aeris was in my top 3 bikes to try. Compared to the others it just feels right, planted great fun and even good on the pedaling bits ( which shocked me). The Team at Bird are outstanding not only have I had a million questions but their knowledge overall and the time they dedicate to their customers is something you won’t get from other companies. I had my heart set on the green and even when they had no stock Ben managed to find one. Honestly if you are looking for a new bike at a good price with awesome customer service and a life time warranty buy a Bird!! Thanks for all the help guys see you when I get sign off for the hard tail.

Tony – Aeris: Received my Bird Aeris today, and must say even round the block….. awesome! can’t wait to try it on the trails. A big thanks to Ben and Dave for firstly helping me get the right frame size and also squaring away delivery to suit me. Excellent company and great service, think I’m a convert! (Giant lover for over 10years)


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Enduro Mountain Bike Magazine review the Aeris 145

Enduro Mag rather liked the Aeris 145! Read the full review here:

“With no real minus points from us on this bike it is quite a rarity, it is on-point when it comes to pricing, looks fantastic, mixes standard aggressive geometry with forward thinking length and seat angle and rides all terrain just so well. For someone who either wants an everyday trail smasher, occasional or obsessed enduro racer we feel this bike really is a perfect choice.”


“On full tilt and fired into corners, this Aeris just begs to be ridden harder and faster, making the rider feel like they are out for that EWS win! Our tester found heaps of joy nailing the roughest of sections and firing off large lips on this bike, admitting he was very surprised at its ability in all situations. This is one fast aggressive bike on the downhills that leaves a true smile on the rider’s face.”

Build your Aeris 145 here:

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Mountain Biking UK & Bikeradar – Zero TR review

Mountain Biking UK awarded the Zero TR 4/5 stars. Read the full review here

“The long wheelbase and low bottom bracket make the Bird an unshakable carving machine when you’re straining your head round for a corner exit on a high-speed sweeper. The extended front end/ultra-short stem based Forward Geometry style handling means you can push the Zero a hell of a long way before it starts to feel sketchy and it’ll hook up in corners and pull off split second saves all the way down whatever black run or ragged edge backcountry singletrack you’re attacking.”

Build your Zero TR here.